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I have made an addon for the World of Warcraft community that can be used to solve the Solar Collector puzzle in Uldum.

Download the release version (2.0.1) on CurseForge or search for SolarCollector on the Twitch Desktop App.

There is no development version at the moment. The release version is the most up to date.
Download the development version (9.0.2) of the addon here. Unzip the file in your World of Warcraft addons folder, typically
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\_retail_\Interface\AddOns\

Release Notes (2.0.1)
• Updated for 9.0.2 Shadowlands Pre-Patch.

Release Notes (2.0.0)
• Updated for 9.0.1 Shadowlands Pre-Patch.

Release Notes (1.3.2)
• Added an error sound if the Solve button is pressed for an already completed puzzle.

Release Notes (1.3.1)
• In puzzle mode, pressing the Solve button will now clear the previous solution before recalculating a new one.
• Shuffle will no longer randomly activate all five check buttons.
• Minor wording changes to descriptive text.
• Non-critical code cleanup.

Credit for the solution sequences—on which this addon is based—goes to yatima at Wowhead. Additional credit goes to Notviable-TarrenMill at for the clever binary table code. If you have WeakAuras installed you don't need my addon; you can use his string instead.

The puzzle has triangles on the ground that can be turned on and off.

Hmmm, somebody should make an addon for this.

The goal is to activate all the triangles on all four sections of the solar collector device. Often people will click the triangles randomly until they get lucky or give up. No more!

The way the addon works is you click the check buttons that correspond to the illuminated triangles on the ground (the check buttons are laid out in a similar pattern). Yes, I know the checked buttons don't match the screenshot above but the puzzle is currently unavailable.

Then you click the Solve button.

The addon will light up the buttons that correspond to the triangles you need to click on in order to solve the puzzle. It does not matter what order the triangles are clicked but it might be good practice to always click from left-to-right.

The addon has been expanded to include a mini game version of the puzzle, as well as context help and configuration options.

I am by no means proficient in Lua or any other programming/scripting language so this is likely to have convention faux pas at the very least. The code certainly lacks elegance but I believe I have worked out all the major bugs with the script and it seems to be functioning as intended.

The addon is loaded at startup and it becomes visible when the quest event is triggered by proximity. If any of the objectives are available for the charcter you are on you will see a notification too (characters ineligible for the quest will not see this message). You can also view the addon by manually typing
/sc show
[Update: August 4, 2020] Shoogen @ShoogenTweets has made a nice online puzzle solver too! Thanks for the mention and link to the addon!

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


  1. Hi there - I absolutely love your colorization of the Chinese-Filippino woman, and the beach scene. Your work is the equal of Jecinci, Marina Amaral and Klimbim. I am always looking to collaborate with colorizers - I run the site Retronaut. Would you be interested in talking about this?

    Wolfgang Wild

  2. Thank you for the compliment, Wolfgang. I had a look at colorization work of Marina Amaral and it is very good!

    (I'm not sure if there is a way to move these comments to the appropriate post so it will have to remain here for now.)


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