Included is a version of the NATIONAL title as depicted on their airliners. There is also a white vector shape underneath that can be raised above the Sun King shape to increase the white space between the left and right halves. The width is adjusted by altering the stroke width:
![]() |
White space vector shape shown in light blue with stroke in dark blue. |
If you can't save the logo as SVG (e.g. in Microsoft Edge) then copy and paste the following code snippet into a text editor (such as Notepad) and save it as National-Airlines-Logo.svg (or any name you prefer as long as it has a .svg extension):
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Once saved, you should be able to load it in Inkscape or Adobe Illustrator and use whichever element your project requires. If you don't need vector a 1600 x 1600 raster version is available. Alternately, click on any image in this post and scroll to the first image in the gallery.
The primary obstacle was finding suitable high-resolution images of the logo and particularly the title. There are a few system timetable scans available for the logo but I've noticed slight inconsistencies between them such that they don't align precisely. Why is that important? Because if images from different sources line up it means I have a high degree of confidence they are accurately presented. Since they rarely align using only transforms that maintain the original aspect ratio (e.g. rotate and proportional scaling) I have to figure out which one is the most representative and least distorted.
In addition, the logos on aircraft have a wider separation between the yellow and orange halves than do the print media logos and they sometimes appear to be different in shape, especially the rays of the estoile. The start and end points of each ray are noticeably less cuspidate in print than on liveries but this could be due to ink bleed or scanning resolution.
On the DC-10 the logo is significantly different than the media logo from the same time period:
![]() |
Something looks off about that sun. |
The question then became which version to use. I decided on one scanned from a 1969 system timetable. It wasn't the best quality example I found but it did reasonably align with other sources. Later versions of the logo appear to be rotated approximately 5° in the direction of the face side.
Also, the title font has at least two minor iterations (and possibly three) as far as I can tell. One version appears to have some rounded inside corners:
![]() |
Some letters appear to show rounding of inside corners. Credit: Shea Oakley |
While the other does not—note the letters N and A specifically:
![]() |
The letter angles look crisp in this example. Credit: Manatee County Public Library |
The title font weight on the DC-10 looks slightly more bold than on other models:
![]() |
Credit: Wikipedia |
The DC-10 seems to be the only model with the different sun. It makes me wonder if this was a deliberate change by National or rather something to do with the different paint shops at McDonnell Douglas and Boeing.
There is a dearth of suitable photos from the period, and of the ones available most are either too low resolution or are at oblique angles to the camera. National was acquired by Pan Am in 1980 so all photos are at least 35 years old and all are on film stock, meaning they require a film scanner to digitize. Fortunately there are a few on Flickr by Ron Monroe that should be sufficient for a reasonably accurate title.
Besides, it could be worse, like this vector version of the United Airlines Boeing 737 tail livery I made:
Talk about a pain in the arse! I actually counted each dot in photos.
Shea Oakley / Sunshine Skies (1st black & white photo)
Manatee County Public Library / Sunshine Skies (2nd black & white photo)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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